- Tee ES (1977). Determination of Net Protein Utilization of two low-cost, high-protein foods. Proceedings of the Institute for Medical Research Scientific Meetings 1975-1976; pp. 319-332.
- Tee ES (1981). Techniques in the analysis of nutrients in Malaysian foods: a review. Proceedings of the 1st ASEAN Workshop on Food Analaytical Techniques, 12-14 February 1981, Singapore. ASEAN Sub-Committee on Protein, Singapore; pp. 104-116
- Tee ES, Kandiah M and R Hanis Hussein (1982). Food consumption and habits in rural Malaysian villages: recent findings and some thoughts for improvement. Proceedings of the 4th ASEAN Food Habits Workshop, 29 November - 4 December, 1982, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. ASEAN Sub-Committee on Protein, Indonesia; pp. 239-249.
- Tee ES (1982). Implementation of resolutions and recommendations of previous ASEAN Food Habits Workshops: a review by Malaysia. Proceedings of the 4th ASEAN Food Habits Workshop, 29 November - 4 December, 1982, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. ASEAN Sub-Committee on Protein, Indonesia; pp. 123-134.
- Asiah M Zain and Tee ES (1984). Use of analytical techniques in food research in Malaysia. Proceedings of the 2nd ASEAN Workshop on Food Analytical Techniques, 19-24 March 1984, Surabaya, Indonesia; pp. 74-87.
- Tee ES (1985). Status, resources and needs for food composition data: a Malaysian report. Proceedings of the 1st ASIAFOODS Conference, 17-21 September 1984, Bangkok; pp. 65-67.
- Tee ES and Khor GL (1986). Overview of country nutritional status. Proceedings of the First Scientific Conference of the Nutrition Society of Malaysia, March 1, 1986, Kuala Lumpur; pp. 7-24.
- Tee ES (1986). Nutrition research in the eighties: Institute for Medical Research. Proceedings of the Seminar on Advances in Food Research in Malaysia, May 6-7, 1986, Universiti Pertanian Malaysia, Serdang; pp.33-39."
- Tee ES (1986). Advances in nutrition research in Malaysia. Proceedings of the Seminar on Advances in Food Research in Malaysia, May 6-7, 1986, Universiti Pertanian Malaysia, Serdang; pp. 153-159.
- Tee ES, Siti Mizura S, Khatijah I, Mohd Nasir A and Ismail MN (1989). Status of food composition studies in Malaysia. Proceedings of the First ASEAN Workshop on Food Composition, 22-25 October, 1986, Jakarta; ASEAN Sub-Committee on Protein: Food Habits Research and Development, Jakarta; pp. 28-36.
- Kandiah M and Tee ES (1987). Nutritional impact of the school supplementary feeding programme. Proceedings of the 6th ASEAN Workshop on Food Habits, 19-21 March, 1987, Kuala Lumpur; ASEAN Sub-Committee on Protein: Food Habits Research and Development, Kuala Lumpur; pp. 137-154.
- Tee ES (1988). Status pemakanan murid-murid sekolah rendah (paper in Bahasa Malaysia). Proceedings of the Workshop on Food Habits of Primary School Children, 23-24 August 1988, Kuala Lumpur; ASEAN Sub-Committee on Protein: Food Habits Research and Development, Kuala Lumpur; pp. 14-30.
- Tee ES (1988). Pengenalan kepada Daftar Komposisi Makanan Malaysia 1988 (paper in Bahasa Malaysia). Proceedings of the Workshop for Users of Food Composition Data, 10-11 October 1988, Kuala Lumpur; ASEAN Sub-Committee on Protein: Food Habits Research and Development, Kuala Lumpur; pp. 5-14.
- Tee ES, Mohd Ismail N, Mohd Nasir A and Khatijah I (1989). Introduction to "Nutrient Composition of Malaysian Foods, 1988". Proceedings of the 7th ASEAN Food Habits Workshop, 19-21 June 1989, Pulau Pinang. ASEAN Sub-Committee on Protein: Food Habits Research and Development, Kuala Lumpur; pp. 250-258.
- Tee ES (1988). Nutritional status of the Malaysian armed forces. Proceedings of the Food Study Group Symposium, Commonwealth Defence Science Organisation Conference, 25-29 February 1988, Kuala Lumpur; pp. 353-370 (restricted circulation).
- Kandiah M and Tee ES (1990). Evaluation of the nutritional impact of the school supplementary feeding programme. Proceedings of the 7th ASEAN Food Habits Workshop, 19-21 June 1989, Pulau Pinang. ASEAN Sub-Committee on Protein: Food Habits Research and Development, Kuala Lumpur; pp. 22-49.
- Tee ES (1989). Current status of food composition data generation and compilation in Malaysia. Proceedings of the ASEAN Workshop on Food Data System, 25-27 October, 1989, Bangkok, Thailand; ASEAN Interim Project Management Committee on Protein, Bangkok; pp. 110-122.
- Tee ES (1989). Systematic development of national food composition data: a guideline. Proceedings of the ASEAN Workshop on Food Data System, 25-27 October, 1989, Bangkok, Thailand; ASEAN Interim Project Management Committee on Protein, Bangkok; pp. 21-39.
- Tee ES (1989). The twin faces of malnutrition in Malaysia. Proceedings of the SEAMEO-TROPMED 2nd Seminar on Nutrition, 20-21 March 1989, Jakarta, Indonesia; pp. 61-78.
- Tee ES and Lim CL (1990). Analytical and nutritional aspects of carotenoids in vegetables and fruits: some preliminary results. Proc. Nutr. Soc. Mal., 5:8-27.
- Siti Mizura S & Tee ES (1990). Boric acid and its determination in food. Proceedings of the Universiti Pertanian Malaysia Seminar on Advances in Food Sesearch III, 19-20 November 1990, Serdang; pp 178-187.
- Tee ES and Lim CL (1990). Development of a HPLC Method for the Analysis of Carotenoids in Vegetables and Fruits. Proceedings of the Universiti Pertanian Malaysia Seminar on Advances in Food Sesearch III, 19-20 November 1990, Serdang; pp 188-216.
- Tee ES (1991). Update on food and nutrition research in the Institute for Medical Research. Proceedings of the National Workshop on Food, Nutrition and Health Promotion, 16-17 August 1991, Kuala Lumpur; National Committee of Project 5 ASEAN-New Zealand Inter-Institutional Linkage Programme, Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 5-15.
- Tee ES (1992). Food composition programme in Malaysia in coordination with regional networks. Proceedings of the 6th Asian Congress of Nutrition, 16-19 September 1991. Nutrition Society of Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur 1992; pp. 474-478.
- Tee ES (1992). Medical research in Malaysia: human nutrition. Proceedings of the IMR 90th Anniversary Scientific Seminar, 23-25 June, Kuala Lumpur, Institute for Medical Research, Kuala Lumpur; pp. 151-165.
- Tee ES (1993). Major nutrient deficiencies and intervention programmes in Malaysia. Report of the Workshop on Malaysian Case Studies on Food and Nutrition nterventions. National Committee of the ASEAN-New Zealand Inter-Institutional Linkage Programme, Kuala Lumpur; pp. 12-27.
- Tee ES and Khor SC (1993). Simultaneous separation and quantitation of thiamine, riboflavin, niacin and pyridoxine by high-pressure liquid chromatography. Proc Nutr Soc Mal, 8:23-38.
- Tee ES and Cavalli-Sforza LT (1993). Food and nutrition in Malaysia and plans for future action. Proc Nutr Soc Mal, 8:94-107
- Tee ES (1994). Food standards development in Malaysia: nutrition-related aspects. Proceedings of the 15th International Congress of Nutrition, 26 September - 1 October 1993, Adelaide. eds ML Wahlqvist,AS Truswell, R Smith & PJ Nestel. Smith-Gordon and Company Ltd.,London; pp 751-754.
- Tee ES (1995). Nutritional value of chilled and frozen foods. Proceedings of the National Seminar on Food Technology, 17-18 August 1993, Kuala Lumpur; pp 133-137.
- Tee ES (1994). Nutrition labelling of snack foods. Proceedings of the 5th ASEAN Food Conference, 26-29 July 1994, Kuala Lumpur; pp. 112-114.
- Tee ES (1994). Health foods and claims: the Malaysian experience. Proceedings of the 2nd Asian Conference on Food Safety, 18-23 September 1994, Bangkok; pp 196-204.
- Tee ES (1994). Food chemistry in nutrition research and activities. Proceedings of the 19th Malaysian Biochemical and Molecular Biology Society Conference, 30 October - 1 November 1994, Bangi; pp. 151-155.
- Tee ES (1995). Changing dietary intake and food consumption in Malaysia: nutritional implications. Proceedings of the Symposium on Current Trends in Nutrition: An International Perspective, 7 April 1995, Kuala Lumpur; pp. 117-170.
- Tee ES. Nutrition labelling in Malaysia. Proceedings of the 3rd Asia-Pacific Food Analysis Network (APFAN) Conference on Food Analysis, 22-25 May 1995, Manila; pp 214-216.
- Tee ES (1996). Changing dietary intake and food consumption in Malaysia: nutritional implications. In: Changing dietary intake and food consumption in Asia and the Pacific. Report of Asian Productivity Organization Symposium, 13-20 December 1994, Tokyo; pp 304-356
- Tee ES (1996). Nutrition scenes in Malaysia: assessment and action. Report of the International Workshop on Nutritional Problems and Strategies in the Asian Region. 22-23 April 1996, Singapore; pp 127-165.
- Tee ES (1996). Nutrition in a rapidly developing economy - Malaysia. Proceedings of the International Seminar on Nutrition in Health and Disease, 16-19 October 1991, Manila, Philippines. pp 32-44.
- Tee ES (1996). Specific nutrient deficiencies in Malaysia. Proceedings of the International Seminar on Nutrition in Health and Disease, 16-19 October 1991, Manila, Philippines. pp. 110-119.
- Tee ES (1997). Address nutrition issues through dietary guidelines: identifying the target audience and ensuring the reach of the dietary guidelines. Proceedings of the Seminar and Workshop on National Dietary Guidelines - Meeting Nutritional Needs of Asian Countries in the 21st Century, 27-28 July 1996, Singapore. ed. RF Florentino. International Life Sciences Institute, Singapore; pp 55-58.
- Tee ES (2000). Proposed regulations on nutrition labelling and claims. Part 2: nutrition claims. Proceedings of the National Seminar on Nutrition Labelling: Regulations and Education. 7-9 August 2000, Kuala Lumpur; pp 71-80.
- Tee ES (2000). Stunting among Asian children and considerations for intervention. Proceedings of the HINS 13th International Symposium on Maternal & Infant Nutrition, 23-24 November 2000, Shanghai, China; pp 140-160.
- Tee ES (2001). Southeast Asian perspectives on nutrition needs for the new millennium. Proceedings of the 3rd Asian Conference on Food Safety and Nutrition, 3-6 October 2000, Beijing, China. In: Biomedical and Environmental Sciences, 14:75-81.
- Tee ES (2001). Abbreviated Report of the WHO Western Pacific Region Workshop on National Plans of Action for Nutrition: key elements for success, constraints and future plans. Proceedings of the 3rd Asian Conference on Food Safety and Nutrition, 3-6 October 2000, Beijing, China. In: Biomedical and Environmental Sciences, 14:87-91.
- Tee ES (2001). Trends and market development – consumption dynamics of soymilk in Malaysia. In: Proceedings of the ASA Soyfood Symposium Series. American Soybean Association, Singapore; pp 56- 65.
- Tee ES and Khatijah I (2001). Promoting tropical and subtropical fruits for human health. Proceedings of the International Technical & Trade Seminar on Tropical and Subtropical fruits, 2-4 July 2001, Kuala Lumpur. International Tropical Fruits Network, Kuala Lumpur; pp 187-195.
- Tee ES (2003). Current issues and challenges in food and nutrition in Southeast Asia. Proceedings of the IX Asian Congress of Nutrition, 23-27 February 2003, New Delhi, India; pp 68-73.
- ES Tee, MC Dop and P Winichagoon (2004). Proceedings of the Workshop on Food-Consumption Surveys in Developing Countries: Future challenges, Chiang Rai, Thailand, 25-26 January 2003. Food and Nutrition Bulletin, 25(4): 407-414.
- Tee ES (2007). Claims and Scientific Substantiation: Efforts in Harmonizing in Asia. Euro J Nutr (in press).