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Papers Presented In Conferences/Workshops/Seminars

  1. Tee ES. Determination of Net Protein Utilization of two  low-cost,  high-protein foods. Institute for Medical Research Scientific Meetings, 1976 (paper in proceedings).

  2. Tee ES. Nutrition of school children and snack foods sold in school canteens. Seminar on Health, Food and Nutrition, 15-20 September 1979, Penang; 14 p. (mimeographed).

  3. Tee ES. Techniques in the analysis of nutrients in Malaysian foods: a review. 1st ASEAN Workshop on Food Analaytical  Techniques, 12-14 February 1981, Singapore (paper in proceedings).

  4. Tee ES. Sugar and over-nutrition. Malaysian Dental Association Seminar on  Sugar and Dental Health, 28th February 1981, Kuala Lumpur; 17 p. (mimeographed).

  5. Tee ES, Kandiah M and Rozia Hanis H. Food consumption and  habits in rural Malaysian villages: recent findings and some thoughts for improvement. 4th ASEAN Food Habits Workshop, 29 November - 4 December, 1982, Yogyakarta, Indonesia (paper in proceedings).

  6. Tee ES. Implementation of resolutions and recommendations of previous ASEAN Food Habits Workshops: a review by Malaysia. 4th ASEAN Food Habits Workshop, 29 November - 4 December, 1982, Yogyakarta, Indonesia (paper in proceedings).

  7. Asiah M Zain and Tee ES. Use of analytical techniques in food research in Malaysia. 2nd  ASEAN Workshop  on  Food Analytical Techniques,  19-24 March 1984, Surabaya, Indonesia (paper in proceedings).

  8. Tee ES. Status, resources and needs for food composition data: a Malaysian report. 1st ASIAFOODS Conference, 17-21 September 1984, Bangkok (paper in proceedings).

  9. Mat Isa A and Tee ES. The status of Aflatoxin research in Malaysia. 1st Technical Consultation of ASEAN Mycotoxins Experts, 3-8 December 1984, Kuala Lumpur; 13 p. (mimeographed).

  10. Tee ES. Susu sebagai suatu bahan makanan tambahan di sekolah (Milk as a supplementary food in schools). School Milk Project Seminar 1985, 29 April 1985, Kuala Lumpur; 11 p. (mimeographed; also in English).

  11. Tee ES.  Poverty,  nutrition and health. ISIS First National  Conference  on Poverty, 6-7 January 1986, Kuala Lumpur, 29 p. (mimeographed).

  12. Tee ES and Khor GL. Overview of country nutritional status. First Scientific Conference of the Nutrition Society of  Malaysia,  March 1, 1986, Kuala Lumpur (paper in proceedings).

  13. Tee ES. Analytical methods for nutrient analysis of foods. MARDI/MIFT Seminar on "Analysis of  Foods - A Better Understanding for the Consumers  and Manufacturers", 2 April 1986, Kuala Lumpur, 14 p. (mimeographed).

  14. Tee ES. Nutrition research in the eighties: Institute for Medical Research. Seminar on Advances in Food Research in Malaysia, May 6-7, 1986, Universiti Pertanian Malaysia, Serdang (paper in proceedings).

  15. Tee ES. Advances in nutrition research in Malaysia. Seminar on Advances in Food Research in Malaysia, May  6-7, 1986, Universiti Pertanian  Malaysia, Serdang (paper in proceedings).

  16. Tee ES. Healthy living through proper nutrition and diet. MMA Public Forum on "Health and Physical Fitness", 21 June 1986, Ipoh; 10 p. (mimeographed).

  17. Tee ES, Siti Mizura S, Khatijah I, Mohd Nasir A and Ismail MN. Status of food composition studies in Malaysia. First ASEAN Workshop on Food Composition, 22-25 October, 1986, Jakarta (paper in proceedings).

  18. Kandiah M and Tee ES. Nutritional impact of the school supplementary feeding programme. 6th ASEAN Workshop on Food Habits,  19-21 March, 1987, Kuala Lumpur (paper in proceedings).

  19. Tee ES. Nutritional status of the Malaysian armed forces. Food Study Group Symposium, Commonwealth Defence Science Organisation Conference, 25-29 February 1988, Kuala Lumpur (paper in proceedings).

  20. Tee ES. Status pemakanan murid-murid sekolah rendah (paper in Bahasa Malaysia). Workshop on Food Habits of Primary School Children, 23-24 August 1988, Kuala Lumpur (paper in proceedings).

  21. Tee ES. Pengenalan kepada Daftar Komposisi Makanan Malaysia 1988 (paper in Bahasa Malaysia). Workshop for Users of Food Composition Data, 10-11 October 1988, Kuala Lumpur (paper in proceedings).

  22. Tee ES. Fortifikasi makanan untuk memper- tingkatkan kualiti pemakanan. Guest lecture presented at the MARDI-MIFT Course on Food Additives, 28 Feburary - 2 March 1989, Serdang. (mimeographed, 6 p.)

  23. Tee ES. Advances in nutrition research in Malaysia, with particular reference to community nutrition studies. SEAMEO-TROPMED 2nd Seminar on Nutrition, 20-21 March 1989, Jakarta, Indonesia (mimeographed, 17 p.).

  24. Tee ES. The twin faces of malnutrition in Malaysia. SEAMEO-TROPMED 2nd Seminar on Nutrition, 20-21 March 1989, Jakarta, Indonesia (paper in proceedings).

  25. Tee ES, Mohd Ismail N, Mohd Nasir A and Khatijah I. Introduction to "Nutrient Composition of Malaysian Foods, 1988". 7th ASEAN Food Habits Workshop, 19-21 June 1989, Pulau Pinang (paper in proceedings).

  26. Kandiah M and Tee ES. Evaluation of the nutritional impact of the school supplementary feeding programme. 7th ASEAN Food Habits Workshop, 19-21 June 1989, Pulau Pinang (paper in proceedings).

  27. Tee ES. Current status of food composition data generation and compilation in Malaysia. ASEAN Workshop on Food Data System, 25-27 October, 1989, Bangkok, Thailand (paper in proceedings).

  28. Tee ES. Systematic development of national food composition data: a guideline. ASEAN Workshop on Food Data System, 25-27 October, 1989, Bangkok, Thailand (paper in proceedings).

  29. Tee ES. Analysis of vitamins in foods. Malaysian Institute of Chemistry Seminar on Modern Techniques in Food Analysis, 4 March 1990, Johor Bahru (mimeographed, 12 p.)

  30. Tee ES and Lim CL. Analytical and nutritional aspects of carotenoids in vegetables and fruits: some preliminary results. 5th Scientific Conference of the Nutrition Society of Malaysia, 24 March 1990, Kuala Lumpur (paper in proceedings).

  31. Tee ES. Developments in analysis of vitamins in foods in Malaysia. Asia-Pacific Regional Seminar on Analysis of Trace Constituents in Foods. 15-17 November 1990, Pulau Pinang (mimeographed, 20 p.)

  32. Tee ES and Lim CL. Development of a HPLC Method for the Analysis of Carotenoids in Vegetables and Fruits. Universiti Pertanian Malaysia Seminar on Advances in Food Sesearch III, 19-20 November 1990, Serdang (paper in proceedings).

  33. Tee ES. Role of food addivitives in food fortification. Guest lecture presented at the MARDI-MIFT Course on Food Additives, 5-7 Feburary 1991, Serdang. (mimeographed, 8 p.)

  34. Tee ES and Khatijah I. Food, nutrition and health in Malaysia. Country paper presented at the Nutrition and Health Study Visit to Thailand Expert Meeting and Workshop on Annotation of Reference Material, 28-31 May 1991.

  35. Tee ES. Developing capabilities in food analysis: regional needs and benefits. Asia-Pacific Food Analysis Network (APFAN) Food Analysis Workshop, 15-19 July 1991, Brisbane, Australia (mimeographed, 19 p.)

  36. Tee ES. Update on food and nutrition research in the Institute for Medical Research. National Workshop on Food, Nutrition and Health Promotion, 16-17 August 1991, Kuala Lumpur (paper in proceedings).

  37. Tee ES. Food consumption patterns in Malaysia. Ministry of Health Workshop on Industrial and Environmental Contaminants and Pollutants in Foods, 19-23 August 1991, Kuala Lumpur (mineographed, 20 p.)

  38. Tee ES. Food composition programme in Malaysia in coordination with regional networks. 6th Asian Congress of Nutrition, 16-19 September 1991 (paper in proceedings).

  39. Tee ES. Nutrition in a rapidly developing economy - Malaysia. International Seminar on Nutrition in Health and Disease, 16-19 October 1991, Manila, Philippines (paper in proceedings).

  40. Tee ES. Specific nutrient deficiencies in Malaysia. International Seminar on Nutrition in Health and Disease, 16-19 October 1991, Manila, Philippines (paper in proceedings).

  41. Tee ES. Micronutrient deficiencies in Malaysia. Workshop for the preparation of the country paper for the FAO/WHO International Conference in Nutrition, 10-12 December 1991, Kuala Lumpur.

  42. Tee ES. Mortality trends in Malaysia. Workshop for the preparation of the country paper for the FAO/WHO International Conference in Nutrition, 10-12 December 1991, Kuala Lumpur.

  43. Tee ES. Analytical considerations in nutrition labelling. MIFT Seminar on "Issues on Nutrition-Related Labelling of Foods", 16 May 1992, Kuala Lumpur.

  44. Tee ES. Assessment of nutrition status: Clinical and biochemical. Seminar in Human Nutrition organised by the College of General Practitioners, 21 June 1992, Petaling Jaya.

  45. Tee ES. Dietary implications of dietary carotenoids on cancer. Seminar in Human Nutrition organised by the College of General Practitioners, 21 June 1992, Petaling Jaya.

  46. Tee ES. Medical research in Malaysia: human nutrition. IMR 90th Anniversary Scientific Seminar, 23-25 June 1992, Kuala Lumpur (paper in proceedings).

  47. Tee ES. Major nutrient deficiencies and intervention programmes in Malaysia. ASEAN-New Zealand Inter-Institutional Linkage Programme (IILP) National Workshop on "Malaysian Case Studies on Food and Nutrition Interventions", 1-2 October 1992, MARDI, Serdang (paper in proceedings).

  48. Tee ES and Cavalli-Sforza LT. Food and nutrition in Malaysia and plans for future action. World Food Day Workshop, 17-18 October 1992, Kuala Lumpur.

  49. Tee ES. HPLC analysis of retinol and carotenoids in foods and blood sera. Second Asia-Pacific Regional Seminar on Developments in Food Analysis, 17-19 November 1992.

  50. Tee ES and Khor SC. Simultaneous separation and quantitation of thiamine, riboflavin, niacin and pyridoxine by high-pressure liquid chromatography. 8th Scientific Conference of the Nutrition Society of Malaysia, 10 April 1993, Kuala Lumpur (paper in proceedings).

  51. Tee ES and Cavalli-Sforza LT. Food and nutrition in Malaysia and plans for future action. 8th Scientific Conference of the Nutrition Society of Malaysia, 10 April 1993, Kuala Lumpur (paper in proceedings).

  52. Tee ES. Nutrition research of athletes in Malaysia. Seminar on Nutrition Perspectives in Optimizing Fitness and Sports Performance, 10 June 1993, Singapore (no full paper available).

  53. Tee ES. Nutritional value of chilled and frozen foods. Paper presented at the National Seminar on Food Technology, 17-18 August 1993, Kuala Lumpur (paper in proceedings).

  54. Tee ES. Guide to healthy eating. Paper presented at the Heart Foundation of Malaysia 3rd Heart Week Public Forum, 18 August 1993, Kuala Lumpur. (no full paper available).

  55. Tee ES. Food standards development in Malaysia: nutrition-related aspects. 15th International Congress of Nutrition, 26 September - 1 October 1993, Adelaide (paper in proceedings).

  56. Tee ES, Khatijah I and Zahara M. Malaysian case study on school supplementary feeding programme. 15th International Congress of Nutrition, 26 September - 1 October 1993, Adelaide (paper in proceedings).

  57. Tee ES. Development and utilisation of the Malaysian food composition database. National Health Systems Research Conference, 4-7 October 1993, Langkawi (poster presentation, no paper prepared).

  58. Tee ES. Chemistry in nutrition and health promotion. Symposium on Chemical Education for the Community, 5th Asian Chemical Congress, 8-12 November 1993, Kuala Lumpur.

  59. Tee ES. Issues and challenges facing nutritionists in a rapidly developing country. 9th Scientific Conference of the Nutrition Society of Malaysia, 27 March 1994, Kuala Lumpur.

  60. Tee ES. Nutrition labelling of snack foods. 5th ASEAN Food Conference, 26-29 July 1994, Kuala Lumpur (paper in proceedings).

  61. Ong ASH, Tee ES and Chee SS. Nutritional implications of dietary oils and fats in developing countries. UNESCO/COSTAM/SFRR-Asia Workshop on Nutrition, Lipids, Health and Disease, 1-3 September 1994, Penang (paper published)

  62. Tee ES. Health foods and claims: the Malaysian experience. 2nd Asian Conference on Food Safety, 18-23 September 1994, Bangkok (paper in proceedings).

  63. Tee ES. Food chemistry in nutrition research and activities. 19th Malaysian Biochemical and Molecular Biology Society Conference, 31 October - 1 November 1994, Bangi (paper in proceedings).

  64. Tee ES. Changing dietary intake and food consumption in Malaysia: nutritional implications. Country report presented at the Asian Productivity Organization Symposium on Changing Dietary Intake and Food Consumption, 13-20 December 1994, Tokyo (paper in proceedings).

  65. Tee ES. Diet and nutrition in relation to health and fitness. Paper presented at several Fitness Seminars organised by various ministries and government departments, 1994; (mimeographed, 18 p.).

  66. Tee ES. Considerations in systematic development of a national food composition data: the Malaysian experience. 2nd Asia-Pacific Food Analysis Workshop, 20-24 February 1995, Queensland, Australia, 8 p. (mimeographed).

  67. Tee ES. Changing dietary intake and food consumption in Malaysia: nutritional implications. Symposium on Current Trends in Nutrition: An International Perspective, 7 April 1995, Kuala Lumpur (paper in proceedings).

  68. Tee ES. The medical importance of carotenoids (with particular reference to developing countries) and their determinations. 3rd Asia-Pacific Food Analysis Network (APFAN) Conference on Food Analysis, 22-25 May 1995, Manila.

  69. Tee ES. Nutrition labelling in Malaysia. 3rd Asia-Pacific Food Analysis Network (APFAN) Conference on Food Analysis, 22-25 May 1995, Manila.

  70. Tee ES. Nutrients as food ingredients: regulatory and safety aspects. National Seminar on Food Technology ‘95 - Food Ingredients, 5-7 September, 1995, Kuala Lumpur (paper in proceedings). 
  71. Tee ES, Cavalli-Sforza LT, . A study of the effectiveness of weekly iron supplementation in adolescent secondary school girls in Malaysia: preliminary findings. 7th Asian Congress of Nutrition, 7-11 October 1995, Beijing (no full paper).

  72. Zakiyah O, Khor SC and Tee ES. Determination of lead in blood using graphite furnace atomic absorption spectroscopy. 6th ASEAN Conference in Medical Laboratory Technology, 25-29 July 1995, Kuala Lumpur (no full paper).

  73. Yeoh CW and Tee ES. A computer programme for nutrient analysis and management of food composition data. 6th ASEAN Conference in Medical Laboratory Technology, 25-29 July 1995, Kuala Lumpur (no full paper).
    74. Tee ES. Nutrients as food ingredients: regulatory and safety aspects. National Seminar on Food Technology ‘95 - Food Ingredients, 5-7 September 1995, Kuala Lumpur.

  74. Sakamoto M, Chiu P, Chen CM, Chang NS, Leung SF, Rabuco LB, Tee ES, Winarno FG, Tontisirin K, Wahlqvist ML, Howden J & Kasiwazaki H. Dietary pattern and food habit changes in Asia: a collaborative study. 7th Asian Congress of Nutrition, 7-11 October 1995, Beijing (no full paper).

  75. Kashiwazaki H, Sakamoto M, Chiu P, Chen CM, Chang NS, Leung SF, Rabuco LB, Tee ES, Winarno FG, Tontisirin K, Wahlqvist ML & Howden J. “Hot” and “cold” food beliefs in Asian countries: A cross-cultural study in relation to recent changes in food habits. 7th Asian Congress of Nutrition, 7-11 October 1995, Beijing (no full paper).

  76. Rabuco LB, Chang NS, Chen CM, Howden J, Leung SF, Tee ES, Tontisirin K, Wahlqvist ML & Winarno FG. Breakfast in the Asia-Pacific Region. 7th Asian Congress of Nutrition, 7-11 October 1995, Beijing (no full paper).

  77. Fatimah A & Tee ES. An overview of nutritional concerns in Malaysia. XII International Congress of Dietetics. 18-23 February 1996, Manila (no full paper).

  78. Tee ES. Methods of nutrient analysis in ASEAN countries. ASEANFOODS Workshop for the Creation of the 1st ASEANFOODS Food Composition Database, 10-15 March 1996, Bangkok (no full paper).

  79. Tee ES, Cavalli-Sforza LT, Kandiah M, Narimah A, Chong SM, Satgunasingam N, Kamaruddin L & Zainab T. Nutrition studies of adolescent girls in three secondary schools in Samarahan District, Sarawak. 11th Scientific Conference of the Nutrition Society of Malaysia, 23-24 March 1996, Kuala Lumpur (no full paper).

  80. Aziz I, Tee ES, Wan Nudri WD and Cavalli-Sforza LT. A study of breakfast practices of Malay urban executives in Kuala Lumpur. 11th Scientific Conference of the Nutrition Society of Malaysia, 23-24 March 1996, Kuala Lumpur (no full paper).

  81. Tee ES. Nutrition scenes in Malaysia: assessment and action. International Workshop on Nutritional Problems and Strategies in the Asian Region, 22-23 April 1996, Singapore (full paper in report).

  82. Tee ES. Towards a culture of healthy eating: concepts and challenges. Seminar on Vision Towards the Development of a National Culture on Healthy Living: Concepts, Implications and Challenges,  30 June 1996, Kuala Lumpur (full paper prepared).

  83. Tee ES. Research needs in micronutrient deficiencies. Meeting on the Elimination of Iodine Deficiency Disorders by 2000: a Strategic Approach for Malaysia. 8-10 July 1996, Kuala Lumpur (no full paper).

  84. Tee ES. Nutrition promotion: case study of Malaysia and its role in improving nutritional status. Asia-Pacific Network for Food and Nutrition Meeting on Nutrition Education, 23-26 July 1996, Bangkok.

  85. Tee ES. Status of ICN follow-up: Malaysia progress report. Asia-Pacific Network for Food and Nutrition Meeting on Nutrition Education, 23-26 July 1996, Bangkok.

  86. Ong ASH, Tee ES & Chee SS. Availability of dietary oils and fats and its nutritional implications. 4th International Congress of Tropical Paediatrics, 7-11 July 1996, Kuala Lumpur.

  87. Tee ES. Address nutrition issues through dietary guidelines: identifying the target audience and ensuring the reach of the dietary guidelines. Seminar and Workshop on National Dietary Guidelines - Meeting Nutritional Needs of Asian Countries in the 21st Century, 27-28 July 1996, Singapore.
  88. Aziz I, Tee ES, Wan Nudri WD and Cavalli-Sforza LT. A study of nutritonal concern, knowledge and practices among a group of Malay executives in Kuala Lumpur. 3rd National Colloquium on Community Health, 10-11 September, 1996, Kuala Lumpur (no full paper).

  89. Tee ES. Trends in nutrition labelling to meet future consumer needs. National Seminar on Food Technology ‘96. 23-24 September 1996, Kuala Lumpur.

  90. Tee ES, Anisah AB, Krishnasamy M, Ng SE, Cavalli-Sforza LT, Norridah MY, Noor Aziah ZA. Nutritional status of anaemic pregnant malay women at 12- 28 weeks of gestation in selected dewan bandaraya kuala lumpur maternal and child health clinics. 1st MOH-AMM Scientific Meeting, 30 October - 3 November 1996, Kuala Lumpur.

  91. Tee ES. Issues and current nutrition status in Malaysia. Workshop of the Technical Working Group on Training, 12-14 November 1996, Bangi.

  92. Tee ES. Nutritional considerations of street foods. Workshop on Street Foods. 14-15 November 1996, Kuala Lumpur (no full paper).

  93. Khor GL, Normah H, Chee HL and Tee ES. Quality of life in rural communities in Peninsular Malaysia: current health and nutritional determinants. Seminar Kebangsaan Pertumbuhan Ekonomi  dan Kualiti  Kehidupan di Malaysia. 5-6 January 1997, Universiti Utara Malaysia, Kedah.

  94. Tee ES. Current status of RDAs in Southeast Asia - a regional overview. Regional Workshop on Recommended Dietary Allowances, 10-11 March 1997, Singapore. (paper in proceedings). 

  95. Tee ES. Healthy eating - time to Act ! 12th Scientific Conference of the Nutrition Society of Malaysia, 29-30 March 1997, Kuala Lumpur (no full paper).

  96. Khor GL, Chee HL and Tee ES. Nutritional status of children aged 18 years and below in rural villages and estates in Peninsular Malaysia. 12th Scientific Conference of the Nutrition Society of Malaysia, 29-30 March 1997, Kuala Lumpur (paper published elsewhere)

  97. Anisah AB, Tee ES, Mohanraj K, Ng SE, Cavalli-Sforza LT, Norridah MY and Noor Aziah ZA. The effectiveness of iron and vitamin supplements in reducing anaemia among anaemic pregnant Malay women in Kuala Lumpur. 12th Scientific Conference of the Nutrition Society of Malaysia, 29-30 March 1997, Kuala Lumpur (paper published elsewhere).

  98. Tee ES and Yeoh CW. NutriCal: your solution to nutrient calculations. 12th Scientific Conference of the Nutrition Society of Malaysia, 29-30 March 1997, Kuala Lumpur (poster presentation; no full paper).

  99. Wan Nudri WD, Aziz I, Tee ES, Ng TKW, Khor GL. Child feeding practices of selected functional groups in Malaysia. Third National Conference on Medical Sciences, 25-26 May 1997, Kota Bharu.

  100. Tee ES, Ng TKW, Khor SC, Puspawati M, Sharirah Z (1997). Vitamin A deficiency and anaemia among undernourished preschool children in Sabah. Poster presented at the Research Dialogue Session of the Ministry of Health Malaysia, 1 July 1997, Kual a Lumpur.

  101.  Tee ES. Traditional foods, westernization and coronary heart disease: challenges to ASEAN. 11th ASEAN Congress of Cardiology, 6-10 July 1997, Jakarta (no full paper).

  102. Tee ES. Nutrition and health - towards a healthy and vibrant Malaysian society. National Science and Technology Conference (NASTEC ’97), 15-16 July 1997, Kuala Lumpur.

  103. Tee ES, Safidah AS, Chong CSM, Khor SC, Ooi HE, Young SI, Zakiyah O, Zulkafli H. Dietary and physical activity pattern and prevalence of obesity among urban primary school children in Kuala Lumpur. 16th International Congress of Nutrition, 27 July - 1 August 1997, Montreal, Canada (poster presentation).

  104. Tee ES, Khatijah I, Azizah AH, Zawiah H. Malaysian food composition programme: recent developments and applications. 16th International Congress of Nutrition, 27 July - 1 August 1997, Montreal, Canada (poster presentation).

  105. Tee ES. Priorities for nutrition references for food standards development in Malaysia. Workshop on Nutrition Information Priorities for the Worldwide Development of Food Standards. 16th International Congress of Nutrition, 27 July - 1 August 1997, Montreal, Canada.

  106. Ng TKW, Khor SC, Seow TY, Tee ES, Thong ML. Serum alpha-tocopherol, retinol and carotenoid profile of PTCA and CABG patients versus controls. 16th International Congress of Nutrition, 27 July - 1 August 1997, Montreal, Canada (poster presentation).

  107. Sakamoto M, Kashiwazaki H, Chiu PC, Chen CM, Chang NS, Leung SF, Rabuco LB, Tee ES, Winarno FG, Tontisirin K, Howden J, Saldanha LG. The relationship between nutrition-related knowledge and food practices in Asian countries. 16th International Congress of Nutrition, 27 July - 1 August 1997, Montreal, Canada (poster presentation).

  108. Tontisirin K, Kashiwazaki H, Chiu PC, Chen CM, Chang NS, Leung SF, Rabuco LB, Sakamoto M, Tee ES, Winarno FG, , Howden J, Saldanha LG. Dietary and breakfast habits in urban Asian populations. 16th International Congress of Nutrition, 27 July - 1 August 1997, Montreal, Canada (poster presentation).

  109. Tee ES. Soya bean milk: a packaged nutritious drink. Launch of soya bean milk campaign. 25 September 1997, Kuala Lumpur.

  110. Sakamoto M, Ishii S, Kashiwazaki H, Chiu PC, Chen CM, Chang NS, Leung SF, Rabuco LB, Tee ES, Winarno FG, Tontisirin K, Howden J, Saldanha LG. A collaborative study of nutritional knowledge, attitude and food practices among urban adults in the Asian region. 2nd International Workshop on Nutritional Problems and Strategies in the Asian Region, 29-30 September 1997, Kuala Lumpur (poster presentation).

  111. Tee ES, Selvaraju S, Azmi MY, Easaw M, Mohd Ismail N, Uma T. Healthy recipes for healthy eating. Asian Food Technology Seminar, 6-7 October 1997, Kuala Lumpur (poster presentation).

  112. Tee ES. Changing food consumption pattern in Malaysia and nutritional implications. Malaysian Press Institute Science, Technology and Environment Workshop for the Media: Nutritional Science, Health and Medicine. 16-18 October 1997, Port Dickson.

  113. Tee ES. Promoting healthy nutrition in Malaysia: the role of dietary fibre. Media Tutorial, 27 October 1997, Kuala Lumpur.

  114. Anisah Abu Bakar, Tee E Siong and Mohd. Rusli Zahari. Field diagnosis of anaemia: the colour scale device versus cyanmethaemoglobin methods. Regional Seminar on Assessment of Nutritional Status of Communities. 12-14 November 1997, Kuala Lumpur.

  115. Tee E Siong, Yeoh Chee Weng and Mastura Abu Samah. NutriCal - Malaysia’s solution to nutrient calculations. Regional Seminar on Assessment of Nutritional Status of Communities. 12-14 November 1997, Kuala Lumpur (no full paper).

  116. Tee E Siong and Khor Swan Choo. HPLC method for the simultaneous determination of retinol, carotenoids and tocopherol in serum. Regional Seminar on Assessment of Nutritional Status of Communities. 12-14 November 1997, Kuala Lumpur (no full paper). 

  117. Khor Swan Choo and Tee E Siong. Biochemical assessment of vitamin A status in young children - development of a HPLC method using micro volumes of serum. Regional Seminar on Assessment of Nutritional Status of Communities. 12-14 November 1997, Kuala Lumpur (paper published elsewhere)

  118. Khor GL, Mohd Nasir MT, MSL Huang and Tee ES. Comparing the use of BMI and weight-for-age Z scores for assessing the nutritional status of Malaysian adolescents. Regional Seminar on Assessment of Nutritional Status of Communities. 12-14 November 1997, Kuala Lumpur.

  119. Tee ES, Safidah AS, Chong CSM, Khor SC, Ooi HE, Young SI, Zakiyah O, Zulkafli H. Analysing weight and height data of young adolescents using BMI-for-age and weight-for-height Z scores. Regional Seminar on Assessment of Nutritional Status of Communities. 12-14 November 1997, Kuala Lumpur (paper published elsewhere).

  120. Tee ES. Analytical challenges for nutrition labelling. Seminar on Rapid Methods of Detection for the Food Industry. 3-4 December 1997, Bangi (no full paper).

  121. Tee ES. Knowledge, attitude and practice on food and nutrition among urban adults: a study of 12 Asian cities. Breakfast Nutrition Symposium, 14 April 1998, Kuala Lumpur

  122. Tee ES. Health status and food consumption patterns in Malaysia: are we meeting nutritional goals ? Seminar and Workshop on Food-Based Dietary Guidelines & Nutrition Education, 22-24 July 1998, Kuala Lumpur.

  123. Tee ES. Summary of 1997 ILSI SEA RDA Seminar: overview of RDAs in the Asian Region: synthesis and recommendations. Workshop on Harmonisation of RDAs in the Southeast Asian Region, 25-26 July 1998, Kuala Lumpur.

  124. Tee ES, Poh BK, Chee WSS, Suhaina S, Nawalyah AG, Aziz I. Assessment of nutritional status of communities: issues & concerns in Southeast Asia. 2nd Asian Congress of Dietetics, 9-12 August 1998, Seoul, Korea.

  125. Tee ES. Some aspects of soya bean products in the diet of Malaysians. 2nd Asian Congress of Dietetics, 9-12 August 1998, Seoul, Korea.

  126. Tee ES. Soya bean and human nutrition, with particular reference to Malaysia. Soya Bean Seminar, 26 August 1998, Kuala Lumpur.

  127. Tee ES, Safidah AS, Chong CSM, Khor SC, Ooi HE, Young SI, Zakiyah O, Zulkafli H. Study of anthropometric, phyiscal activity and dietary pattern of primary school children in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Asian Conference on Early and Childhood Nutrition, 1-4 November 1998, Kuala Lumpur. 

  128. Tee ES. Nutrient analysis of foods: application to health programmes and the food industry. National Seminar on Food Productivity and Agro-based Industries, in conjunction with the Malaysian Science and Technology Congress '98, 10-11 November 1998, Pulau Pinang.

  129. Tee ES. Recent data on anaemia amongst adolescents in Malaysia. 14th Scientific Conference of the Nutrition Society of Malaysia, 20-21 March 1999, Kuala Lumpur.

  130. Tee ES and Khor SC. A study of sugars in soft drinks and fruit juices. 14th Scientific Conference of the Nutrition Society of Malaysia, 20-21 March 1999, Kuala Lumpur.

  131. Khor GL, Tee ES, Zaitun Y, Zamaliah M. Some coronary risk factors among men and women aged 50 years and above from rural villages and estates in Peninsular Malaysia. International Workshop on Nutrition and Aging, 23-24 March 1999, Jakarta, Indonesia.

  132. Tee ES. The role of the media in promoting nutrition in Malaysia. Asian Food Information Centre Media Workshop, 13 May 1999, Kuala Lumpur.

  133. Tee ES. Changing dietary behaviour in Malaysia. 8th Asian Congress of Nutrition, 29 August - 2 September 1999, Seoul, Korea.

  134. Tee ES, Khor GL, Ng TKW, Zaitun Y, Chee HL, Safiah MY. Prevalence of anaemia n rural villages and estates in Peninsular Malaysia. 8th Asian Congress of Nutrition, 29 August - 2 September 1999, Seoul, Korea.

  135. Sakamoto M, Kashiwazaki H, Inayama T, Chang NS, Tee ES & Tontisirin K. Changing dietary behavioiur in Asian countries. 8th Asian Congress of Nutrition, 29 August - 2 September 1999, Seoul, Korea.

  136. Tee ES. Nutrition labelling, nutrition and health claims: what’s happening in Southeast Asia ? 10th World Congress on Food Science and Technology, 3-8 October 1999, Sydney.

  137. Tee ES and Yeong BY. Harmonization of RDAs in South-East Asia: an Update. WHO Workshop on National Plans of Action in Nutrition: constraints, key elements for success and future plans, 25-29 October 1999, Kuala Lumpur

  138. Tee ES. Prioritising research in nutrition: Malaysian experience. WHO Workshop on National Plans of Action in Nutrition: constraints, key elements for success and future plans, 25-29 October 1999, Kuala Lumpur

  139. Tee ES. Nutrition of Malaysians: where are we heading ? Shizuoka Forum on Health and Longevity, 18-21 November 1999, Shizuoka, Japan.

  140. Tee ES. An overview of dietary supplements and their role in human nutrition. Malaysian Dietitians' Association Dietetics 2000 Conference. 11-12 March 2000, Petaling Jaya.

  141. Tee ES. Clearing air on dietary supplements. 15th Scientific Conference of the Nutrition Society of Malaysia, 25-26 March 2000, Kuala Lumpur.

  142. Tee ES. Proposed amendment to food regulations on nutrition labelling and claims. National Seminar on Nutrition Labelling: Regulations and Education, 7-8 August 2000, Kuala Lumpur

  143. Tee ES. Nutrition research priorities in developing countries: examples from Southeast Asia. South African Nutrition Congress 2000, 15-18 August 2000, Durban, South Africa.

  144. Tee ES. Changes in availability of fats and oils in developing countries. South African Nutrition Congress 2000, 15-18 August 2000, Durban, South Africa.

  145. Tee ES. Nutritional labelling and claims: regional outlook. Southeast Asia Soyfood Symposium 2000. 4-5 September 2000, Bangkok, Thailand.

  146. Tee ES. Southeast Asian perspectives on nutrition needs for the new millennium. 3rd Asian Conference on Food Safety and Nutrition, 3-6 October 2000, Beijing, China.

  147. Tee ES. Report of the WHO Western Pacific Region Workshop on National Plans of Action for Nutrition: key elements for success, constraints and future plans. 3rd Asian Conference on Food Safety and Nutrition, 3-6 October 2000, Beijing, China.

  148. Tee ES. Report of the Workshop on Dietary Survey Methodologies in Asia. Proceedings of the 3rd Asian Conference on Food Safety and Nutrition, 3-6 October 2000, Beijing, China

  149. Tee ES. Food fortification as a nutrition intervention strategy. Ministry of Health/IAEA National Meeting on the Use of Stable Isotopes in Human Nutrition. 13-14 October 2000, Kuala Lumpur.

  150. Tee ES. Nutrition labelling and claims: Malaysia’s proposal. National Food Technology Seminar 2000, 24-25 October 2000, Kuala Lumpur.

  151. Tee ES. Stunting among Asian children and considerations for intervention. HINS 13th International Symposium on Maternal & Infant Nutrition, 22-24 November 2000, Shanghai, China.

  152. Tee ES. Current Status of Nutrition Labelling in the Southeast Asia Region – Are We in Harmony? Seminar and Workshop on Nutrition Labeling and Health Claims: Scientific Substantiation and Opportunities for Hamonization, 5-6 April 2001, Singapore. International Life Sciences Institute (Southeast Asia Region).

  153. Nik Shabnam NS and Tee ES. Status of functional foods in Malaysia. Conference on Functional Food – Latest Development, 10-11 April 2001, Putra Jaya.

  154. Tee ES. Current nutrition issues and concerns in Malaysia. Soy and Health Symposium,  18 April 2001, Kuala Lumpur.

  155. Tee ES and Khatijah I. Promoting tropical and sub-tropical fruits for human health. International Technical and Trade Seminar on Tropical and Subtropical Fruits. 2-6 July 2001, Kuala Lumpur.

  156. Tee ES. Dietary supplements from a nutritionist point of view. National Regulatory Seminar 2001, National Pharmaceutical Control Bureau, Ministry of Health Malaysia, 17-18 July 2001, Subang Jaya.

  157. Poh BK and Tee ES. Bright Start Nutrition: enhancing the nutritional status of Malaysian toddlers and pre-schoolers. 23rd Annual Scientific Meeting of the Malaysian Paediatric Association, 30 Aug – 2 Sept 2001, Kuantan.

  158. Tee ES. Malaysian approaches in nutrition promotion and challenges in implementation. International Congress of Nutrition, 27-31 August 2001, Vienna.

  159. Rokiah D, Narimah A, Tee ES. Infant and young child feeding promotion strategies – the Malaysian Experience. WHO Regional Technical Consultation on Infant and Young Child Feeding for Asia and the Pacific, 9-12 October 2001, Kuala Lumpur.

  160. Tee ES. Codex Alimentarius: current nutrition issues. Education and Research Association for Consumers Awareness Seminar: Introducing Codex Alimentarius. 10-11 October 2001, Kuala Lumpur.

  161. Tee ES. Nutrition Labelling and Health Claims: International Perspective; International Seminar on Nutrition Labelling and Health Claims, 2-3 November 2001, Mumbai, India.

  162. Tee ES. Nutrition labeling and claims – Concerns and challenges. Experiences  from the Asia Pacific Region. Expert Consultation on Risk Communication about Novel Foods in Development, Transition and Advantaged Societies, 11-14 November 2001, Melbourne, Australia.

  163. Tee ES. Priority nutrition concerns in Asia. Workshop on Biotechnology-derived Nutritious Foods, 15-17 January 2002, Cancun, Mexico.

  164. Tee ES. Obesity in Asia: prevalence and issues in assessment methodologies. Symposium and Workshop on Forging Effective Strategies for Prevention and Management of Overweight and Obesity in Asia, 22-24 April 2002, Singapore. International Life Sciences Institute (Southeast Asia Region).

  165. Tee ES. Nutritional issues and challenges in Asia. 3rd Asian Congress of Dietetics, 18-21 August 2002, Kuala Lumpur

  166. Tee ES. Functional foods : the Asian perspectives. 3rd Asian Congress of Dietetics, 18-21 August 2002, Kuala Lumpur

  167. Poh BK, Ng LL & Tee ES. Knowledge, attitudes and practices on nutrition and physical activity of primary schoolchildren in Kuala Lumpur. 3rd Asian Congress of Dietetics, 18-21 August 2002, Kuala Lumpur

  168. Tee ES. Functional foods: consumer perpsectives. Asia-pacific Symposium on Functional Foods, 2 November 2002, Kuala Lumpur.

  169. Tee ES. Proposed nutrition labelling and claims regulations: implications for implementation. MIFT Seminar on Innovative Packaging and Labelling of Food and Beverages: towards Successful Marketing. 5 November 2002, Seri Kembangan, Selangor.

  170. Tee ES. Functional ingredients in foods: research and development to address consumer concerns. 5th International Conference on Dietary Methods. 27-30 Feb 2003, Chiang Rai, Thailand.

  171. Tee ES. Current issues and challenges in food and nutrition in Southeast Asia. IX Asian Congress of Nutrition,  23-27 February 2003, New Delhi, India

  172. Tee ES. Evolution: from famine to fat. 21st Scientific Conference of the Australian Dietetics Association, 8-10 May 2003, Cairns, Australia

  173. Khatijah I and Tee ES. Changes in nutrition in ASEAN: Current situation, challenges and opportunities. 8th ASEAN Food Conference, 8-10 October 2003, Hanoi, Vietnam.

  174. Tee ES. Nutritional issues affecting trade in fats and oils. Economics and Marketing Conference, International Palm Oil Congress (PIPOC 2003), 24-28 August 2003, Kuala Lumpur.

  175. Tee ES. Update on Codex Alimentarius work on nutrition labelling and claims standards and scientific substantiation of health claims. 2nd Seminar and Workshop on Harmonization of Nutrition Labelling and Scientific Basis of Health Claims in ASEAN, 20-22 October 2003, Kuala Lumpur.

  176. Tee ES. Functional Foods in Asia: Current Status and Issues. 1st Asia Region Workshop on Functional Foods, 22-23 October 2003, Kuala Lumpur.

  177. Tee ES. Functional foods: nutritional and regulatory considerations. 19th Scientific Conference of the Nutrition Society of Malaysia, 25-26 March 2004, Kuala Lumpur.

  178. Tee ES. Soy and health: the Asian picture. Seminar on Marketing Soy: Quality, innovation and strategy. 12 July 2004, Kuala Lumpur.

  179. Tee ES. Global regulatory developments in health claims for food. Dialogue on Health Claims for Food. 17 August 2004, Kuala Lumpur.

  180. Tee ES. The role of health claims for food in the promotion of nutritional health of Malaysians. Dialogue on Health Claims for Food. 17 August 2004, Kuala Lumpur.

  181. Tee ES. Global regulatory status of health claims: an update. 20th Scientific Conference of the Nutrition Society of Malaysia. 24-25 March 2005, Kuala Lumpur.

  182. Tham KBL, Poh BK, Chee WSS & Tee ES. Nutritional status and eating habits among preschool children in Klang Valley. 20th Scientific Conference of the Nutrition Society of Malaysia. 24-25 March 2005, Kuala Lumpur

  183. Tee ES. Meeting the nutritional needs of young children. 9th Congress of the Asian Pan-Pacific Society of Paediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition, in conjunction with the 27th Annual Congress of the Malaysian Paediatric Association, 16-19 June 2005, Kuala Lumpur.

  184. Tee ES. Do functional foods have a role in health promotion ? 1st National Men’s Health & Aging Conference. 25-26 June 2005, Kuala Lumpur

  185. Tee ES. Carbohydrate dietary guidelines from around the world. Regional Symposium on Role of Carbohydrates in Human Health & Disease, 26-27 July 2005, Kuala Lumpur.

  186. Tee ES. Long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids in foods: regulatory considerations. ILSI-FIFSTA Symposium on Long Chain Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids in Health, in conjunction with 9th ASEAN Food Conference, 8-10 August 2005, Jakarta, Indonesia.
  187. Tee ES. Glycaemic Index: role in health promotion? Seminar on Weight Management through a Balanced Diet, 30 September 2005, Petaling Jaya

  188. Tee ES. Harmonization of “nutrition standards” in Southeast Asia. 4th Asian Congress of Dietetics, 23-26 April, 2006, Manila

  189. Tee ES.  Current salt/sodium dietary guidelines across countries: understanding the scientific rationale. 4th Asian Congress of Dietetics, 23-26 April, 2006, Manila

  190. Tee ES. Procedures for submission of new nutrition claims to Ministry of Health Malaysia. Paper presented at the ILSI Malaysia 1st Scientific Seminar on Promoting Better Understanding of Nutrition Claims in Malaysia, International Life Sciences Institute (ILSI) Southeast Asia Region, 16 May 2006, Subang Jaya.

  191. Tee ES. ILSI SEA Region Harmonization Effort in Asia -Overview of Permitted Claims and Guidelines for Scientific Substantiation of Claims, Pre-Codex Seminar on Scientific Substantiation of Claims October, in Conjunction with the 28th Session of Codex Committee on Nutrition and Foods for Special Dietary Uses, 29  October 2006, Chiang Mai, Thailand

  192. Tee ES. Nutrition labelling experiences in other fora: Southeast Asia. Public Conference on “Recent and forthcoming changes to the regulation of nutrition labelling and claims in the European Union and in Asia”, organised by the Business Information Centre of the Delegation of the European Commission to Thailand, 6 November 2006, Bangkok.

  193. Tee ES. Promoting healthy eating among Malaysians. Conference on Food Science and Nutrition 2006, 13-14 December 2006, Universiti Malaysia Sabah, Kota Kinabalu. 

  194. Tee ES. Efforts in harmonising scientific substantiation of claims in Asia. International Functional foods Symposium. 9-11 May, 2007, Malta. International Life Sciences Institute, Europe.

  195. Tee ES. Labeling, nutrition and health claims, especially soya products.

  196. Tee ES. Regulatory update on trans fatty acids. Paper presented at the ILSI Malaysia Country Committee 3rd Scientific Seminar on Trans Fatty Acids – Scientific and Regulatory Update. 4 September 2007.

  197. Tee ES. Facilitating a harmonised approach to functional foods in Asia – the role of ILSI SEA Region 2nd International Conference on East-West Perspectives on Functional Foods: Science, Innovations and Claims. 5-7 November 2007, Kuala Lumpur.

  198. Tee ES. Leadership skills in food regulatory affairs. International Workshop on Leadership skills in nutritional sciences. 13-14 November 2007, Hyderabad, India.

  199. Tee ES. Understanding nutrition labelling and claims on food packages. 18th Scientific Conference of the Malaysian Institute of Medical Laboratory Siences, 26-27 November 2007, Kuala Lumpur.

  200. Tee ES. Policy trends in: nutrition labelling and health claims and advertising to children. The 2007 Global Summit Meeting of Food Information Organisations, 4-6 December 2007, Bangkok.

  201. Tee ES. Communicating Health Message on Products: Claims Regulations in Asia. 2nd Asian Scientific Symposium on Nutritional Benefits of Prebiotics and Functional Carbohydrates, 13 December 2007, Singapore.

  202. Tee ES. Nutrition labelling and claims regulations in selected Asian countries – challenges and opportunities. ILSI SEA Region Branch Meeting at the 2008 ILSI Annual Meeting, Puerto Rico, 20 January 2008.

  203. Tee ES. Promoting Community Nutritional Wellbeing: Efforts and Challenges. SNDA-SIFST Joint Symposium, 23 May 2008, Singapore

  204. Tee ES. Communicating Nutrition Information on Food Packages in the Region – Updates and Trends. SNDA-SIFST Joint Symposium, 23 May 2008, Singapore

  205. Tee ES. Nutrition labelling and claims – opportunities and challenges in Southeast Asia. ILSI SEA Region Seminar and Workshop on Nutrition Labelling, Claims and Communication Strategies for the Consumers, 13-15 August 2008, Bangkok.

  206. Tee ES. Communicating nutrition information on product labels - regulations in Southeast Asia. 15th International Congress of Dietetics, 8-11 September 2008, Yokoyama, Japan.

  207. Tee ES. Nutrients and bioactives: claims and regulations in Asia. 5th Asian Conference on Food and Nutrition Safety, 5-7 November 2008, Cebu, Philippines. [Abstract]  [Presentation]

  208. Tee ES. Food Consumption Surveys for Dietary and Exposure Assessment - the need for regional collaboration. Workshop on Regional Collaboration of Food Consumption Surveys in Southeast Asia for Dietary and Exposure Assessment, November 7, 2008, organized in conjunction with the 5th Asian Conference on Food and Nutrition Safety, 5-7 November 2008, Cebu, Philippines.

  209. Tee ES. Promoting healthy eating and active living in Malaysia. 11th Symposium of the Danone Institute, 27-28 November 2008, Guangzhou, China

  210. Tee ES. Healthy children, healthier nation - Nutrition Month Malaysia 2009. 24th Scientific Conference of the Nutrition Society of Malaysia, 26-27 March 2009, Kuala Lumpur. [Abstract] [Presentation]

  211. Wong SN, Poh BK, Chee WSS & Tee ES. Nutritional status and eating habits among preschoolers in Klang Valley. Poster presented at the 24th Scientific Conference of the Nutrition Society of Malaysia, 26-27 March 2009

  212. Tee ES. Health Claims on Polyphenols: Regulatory Development and Consumer Education in Asia. ILSI Symposium on Plant Polyphenols: Nutrition, Health and Innovations, 22-23 June 2009, Kuala Lumpur. [Abstract] [Presentation]

  213. Tee ES. Codex guidelines on nutrition labelling and health claims. 8th International Food Data Conference, 1-3 October 2009, Bangkok. [Abstract] [Presentation]

  214. Tee ES. Codex Alimentarius definition of dietary fibre. ILSI Seminar on Dietary Fibre. Current Science and Regulatory Update. 28 September 2009, Kuala Lumpur.

  215. Tee ES. Nutrient data and trade. 19th International Congress of Nutrition, 4-9 October 2009, Bangkok. [Abstract] [Presentation]

  216. Tee ES. Promoting young child nutrition – the Malaysian experience. ILSI Seminar on Young Child Nutrition: Improving nutrition and health status of young children in Indonesia on 12 November 2009, Jakarta. [Abstract] [Presentation]

  217. Tee ES. Support Nutrition Month Malaysia 2010. 25th Scientific Conference of the Nutrition Society of Malaysia, 25-26 March 2010, Kuala Lumpur. [Abstract] [Presentation]

  218. Tee ES. Introduction to Malaysian Dietary Guidelines 2010. Paper presented at the Kuala Lumpur Federal Territory Health Department Seminar on Malaysian Dietary Guidelines, 26 August 2010, Kuala Lumpur.  [Presentation]